Thursday, February 2, 2012


I was in a bit of a crafting funk and was feeling uninspired.  I'd made enough bows and flower clips to last a lifetime and my foray into creating fascinators wasn't going well (I think I was just a bit burned out in the hair accessory department).  I have been hooked on Pinterest for awhile now and I was going through my boards one day when I realized I had pinned all this stuff with the intent of trying to do it all, but I hadn't done a single project (except some cute Halloween Mummies in October).  So I decided to start working my way through my boards.  It has been really useful having project ideas at my finger tips.  KK has been sick a lot this month which equals me being home a lot without much to do other than cleaning the house for the umpteenth time.  So I went to WalMart and bought a bunch of supplies to get me through a few projects and when nap time comes, I get to work.  I have done some crafty projects, but I have done some organizing projects as well.  I have really enjoyed myself so far.

One of my boards is all about photography.  I have a great Nikon D5100, but I never took it off the auto setting because I don't know much about lighting or aperture or speed and what not.  I decided it was time to start learning.  I want to take a class but until then I am relying on the internet and tips from friends.  Christmas gave me a good opportunity to start experimenting with light.  Here's some fun stuff (not saying it is good by any stretch, but it has been good practice).  I really like experimenting with speed and aperture.  My dad lent me a tripod and it has been super fun to play with.  I think I spent over an hour in front of my tree Christmas Eve, just playing around with speed.

Another board I have on Pinterest is simply called DIY.  It's just fun stuff that I think I can do on my own.  So far I have made a weekly dry erase board out a a WalMart collection picture frame and scrapbooking paper and stickers-
This project was super easy and only took about 30 minutes to do.

Another project that has been sort of fun has been painting glass jars with mod podge and food coloring to tint them.  Here is just one of the jars I have done.  I love sea glass and its soft beautiful colors.  When I was on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea I collected as much as I could find, which wasn't much.  I have loads of baby food jars that I use to store knick knacks and thought painting a few would be fun.  I have been experimenting with the opacity so that my jars will end up being shades of the same color.  

I also decided to try my hand at a "Calm Down Jar," a jar of glitter that you can use to try to calm down an overwrought toddler.  You just mix hot water, glitter glue, food coloring and some fine glitter into a glass jar and shake.  Another super easy project and KayKay loves it-

KayKay stealing the jar after I'd had it just a few minutes
I also have a board devoted to organization tips and tricks.  We have a small house, and a lot of stuff so I need all the help I can get.  So far, here is what I have come up with-

Magnetic strips and hooks in the medicine cabinet

Velcro strips on the toy cubby

Works great for corralling those smaller babies
Also works for play food that is felt or has velcro on it

Ikea spice rack hack

Thank you Pinterest, can't wait to see what other great ideas I'll get from it!

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